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happy new year…


For some of us it’s a time to reflect on the previous year and think forward to the new one. For some of us we are all too happy to close the door on 2015. For some of us we are nervous about what lies ahead for the next 12 months. And for some of us we are diligently setting aspirations and goals for what we want to change in our lives.

Some typical New Years’ Resolutions are to lose weight, to exercise more intensely, to start a new 3-day cleanse, to eliminate food groups etc. Our society gets so entrenched into the diet culture and we jump on the band wagon. We start to believe that the only way to happiness is to meet these goals. In recovery from anorexia and other eating disorders we typically obsess about our body, weight and shape. Our minds ravaged with food rules, exercise routines, the numbers on the scale and  specific body parts.

What about for this year the only resolution you make is to be kind to your body? What about focusing on body-accepting and self-loving resolutions? What about being gentle with yourselves?

  • Start each day with verbalizing a positive affirmation.
  • Practice loving-kindness mindfulness meditations.
  • Do one think daily that is kind to your body.
  • Start a gratitude journal.
  • Be a friend to your body.

We can recover one day at a time. You are worth it.

Serenity Always,


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