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WORD OF 2023

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WORD OF 2023

My “word” for 2023 is CREATE. I want to spend more time writing, painting, and home decorating. I already placed my new paint-by-numbers picture on my easel, so I have easy access to colorful paints and brushes. I want to create more knowledge, so I signed up for the Masterclass App and professional trainings throughout the year. Perhaps I will learn how to grow a garden or make something in my very un-used slow cooker. I also want to create more time to focus on my passions and purpose in life. I want to spend more time donating my time to those less fortunate. I want to stop running on the treadmill to nowhere and create with intention and mindfulness.

The new year can be a time to reset. To clarify your priorities. To take stock in your life. And to set small manageable goals for your eating disorder recovery. If you struggle with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder or compulsive exercise, grounding yourself in a recovery-oriented mindset is important. So, what is your word for the new year? 

Recovery from eating disorders may be one of the hardest things you do. I salute each one of you who woke up today and put your recovery cap on. Eating disorders have the second highest mortality rate, only second to opiate overdoses, so recovery is critical, and our lives depend on it.

After you choose your word, I suggest you journal about what about the word resonates with you. What stands out for you? How do you want to embrace this word. How do you want the word to be part of the new year. Just free write for fifteen minutes. The next task to is identify small, realistic, and manageable goals. Start with just one! For me my first task was to unsubscribe from multiple e-mail sites. Each day my email is cluttered with messages that I typically delete. Pressing the unsubscribe button was so freeing and allowed me to create more time to be in the moment and to help other people.

Full recovery is possible.

Serenity Always,

Meredith, LCSW and Carolyn Costin Certified Eating Disorder coach